Saturday, January 03, 2009

how happy is the blameless vestal's lot

Life is one big circle and one big irony,
Where we go one big round,
And find that our end point was actually our starting point,
And realising that it's the journey that matters afterall.

Fate is one big inexplicable ferris wheel,
Where we peer out of transparent glass panes,
And wished we were somewhere else,
With someone else,
Yet deep down,
We knew we are already where we wanted to be,
Our links to people pre-destined,
And that all things happen for a reason.

Love is.....
The moment of stark unadulterated joy of freedom.
The moment where the river finally meets the sea,
After meandering an arduous journey across chiselled terrains.
The moment wintry frost melts with Spring's infancy.
The moment where time stood still,
And we are encased and entrapped in an endearing cocoon,
Safe, snug and secure.
The moment where their eyes met,
And everyone else disappeared.
The moment where he smiled in his heart,
And she smiled a seraphic resplendent smile in return.
The moment we decide to take a plunge,
A leap of faith into invariable depths of hurt, loss and pain,
Just to love someone.