Sunday, November 01, 2015

You Are More Than Words (最Good Boy就是你)

You Are More Than Words (最Good Boy就是你)

We lost Furby today.

A dog that has brought so much happiness into our lives;
A dog that is always cheerful unless there are thunderstorms;
A dog that has accompanied us through major moments;
A dog that has left his messy paw-prints in our hearts;
A dog that we consider the baby of the family;
A dog that dislike other dogs;
A dog that I ran over with a car and survived;
A dog that is unafraid of injections;
A dog that helms the fort when we are not at home;
A dog that is the epitome of focus and unwavering single-mindedness;
A dog that taught us how to be kind and caring;
An adorable, handsome, greedy, sleepy, brave dog.

I wish Furby knows how to open doors;
I wish Furby knows how to go downstairs and bring up a cup of water;
I wish Furby knows how to switch on the heater;
I wish Furby knows how to drive a car;
I wish Furby knows how to cook maggie mee;
I wish Furby can tell us how he feels sometimes;
I wish Furby knows that we all miss him;
I wish Furby don't blame us for letting him go before his time;
I wish Furby didn't have to suffer and feel pain;
I wish I know why he struggled to stand up and look at us while we said our goodbyes;
I wish that he didn't feel abandoned when we left;
I wish he could have a bit more time with us...
I wish...

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Unabashed Feelings

It seems that only when I experience sudden, unexpected epiphanies,
That words start flowing from my soul again.
Words that had abandoned me,
In my bliss,
In my tedium dis-interest,
In my wilderness wanderings.

Heartfelt words,
After such long absences,
Nourished my soul,
Like a dried-up riverbed,
Feeling the cool, returning streams again.
Like the perpetual moon,
Silently guiding me home.

To profess your love,
To admit your shortcomings,
To accept your failures,
To lay down your pride,
To persist in the face of adversity,
To rise from stupor, ennui and inertia,
To start again from scratch,
To tear down walls and veils,
To take on new challenges,
To face your hidden fears.

The sheer amount of unreal, fake, unscrupulous people that I have met in the business world,
Have slowly but surely made me the cynical and jaded man today.
In the short duration of this business course,
My faith in humanity, decency and passion is rekindled again.

Is too simple a word,
Too painful a word,
To describe how I feel when I look back on my lack of pursuit and excellence in academia.
Ashamed is more appropriate.
I dallied and dabbled throughout my education,
Throughout my life;
Unaware that I had the opportunity so many didn't have.
I have studied so much,
Yet learned so little.

I see so many successful people here,
In terms of their businesses,
In terms of taking charge of their lives,
Yet they have such unwavering passion for learning,
For wanting to take on new challenges;
Whether it is a new way of seeing things,
Whether it is conducted in a language they are weak in,
Whether it is to tear down something they have built in order to create something new.
When you are supposedly at the pinnacle of your success,
When you are supposedly near the sunset of your life,
You embrace and pursue as if at Life's infancy.
That is courage that so many young people don't have, me included.
That is a courage that I very much admire and endeavour to learn from.

I have learned so much.
I have also unlearned so much.
Yet it is only the beginning of a journey,
One in which I am the protaganist,
Where I have to play so many parts,
From now till the end;
To be the beacon for so many ships,
To be the safe harbour for so many loved ones,
To be the one to make difficult decisions,
To put away Self, Vanity and Glory.

I just want to say thank you.

Throughout this learning journey,
You have not judged me,
You have guided me without reservations,
You have shared Life's lessons with me in hope that I heed them,
And not make the same mistakes you made.