Friday, November 26, 2004

Bittersweet symphony

The after-rain mirrors my mind.
The torrent ends,
But it takes much longer to dry,
For remnants to leave.
It is not without a trace they leave,
For memory of the rain lingers on,
Haunting me everytime it pours again.
It's such a good time,
To feel sad and melancholic,
For the mist permits me so.
It hides the vulnerable part of me,
From prying eyes and sensitive souls.
Yet i want solace and comfort,
From trusty hearts,
To remind me I'm not alone,
And that I wont be.
It is on this new path,
That I seemed to have left people behind,
At the crossroads.
It didnt cross my mind,
Till I encountered rough patches.
What does this then make me?
One who forgets those who had been there for him,
Whenever the sun shines?
One who deceives himeslf,
That he embodies "For better or worse",
But in fact is far from it?
One who gets caught up in his own little web,
And forgets that the rest of the world,
Still spins?

I see in every faceless passer-by,
A blur hue of colours;
Images and shadows of you.
I drank that strong bitter coffee,
And it tasted bland.
I was more bitter.
With a throbbing head,
I stumbled home,
And seeked that plush bed of mine.
Bitterness had melted away,
For anger and vindictiveness,
Do not drive out bitterness,
Nor do they make things right again.
It is love that does so.

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