Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sadly lacking

It's been ages.
Too many insufficient ones.
Nowadays i blog only when i experience extreme emotional upheavals,
Thus the lack of activity.
I'm still alive,
Albeit barely.
I was looking out of the window juz now,
And I saw the branches swaying,
Leaves fliting,
And sunlight invigorating all that's alive.
I looked out a second time,
Minutes later,
And i see sorrowful rain,
Masking the amorous rays.
The same invigorating sun seems sorrowful as well.
Tears for its unappreciated presence,
Nonchalance for its daily toil across the sky.
No one noticed it.
'Cept when it's a little too hot or too cold.
At that moment,
I understood one thing.
What is really important to one is seldom known,
Even to oneself,
But articulates with such glaring clarity,
When one loses it.
Such irony.
It pains me to note it.
Maybe that's what love is all about.
Such surrealism surrounding a pair of lovers,
That they cant grasp exactly,
What makes them love each other.
Yet when they become intertwined,
They expose all that are deficient in the other,
And pick on the faults and flaws,
Not knowing when to disengage,
And feel from a distance
And for a second,
What it truly means,
For one to say I Love You to the other.
We usually weep for our losses,
Coz most of the time,
We dont really treasure what we have;
What really matters to us.
I find it such a critical flaw in everyone,
So prevalent that it seems normal,
But i know deep down,
It's an anomaly.
For if we dont treasure what we have,
It's only a matter of time before we lose it.
Reflection from a mirror,
Made up by remnant rain puddles,
Showed up a man pregnant with sorrow,
And shattered when I step on it,
Crushing its revealing visage.
Shattered too is me,
Me that takes for granted more than being taken for granted by.
I muz remember to treasure each day,
Each fleeting moments,
For they dont get recreated,
Only destined to remain in the vestiges of memory.

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