Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Went for Loon-y's play the other day - Shanty.
Something about following your dreams.
No matter how absurd it sounds to others.
No matter how horribly misplaced in your times.
There were several aspects about the play that intrigued me.
I'm a strong advocator of following one's dreams.
However, the key here is in identifying the 'dreams'.
Are the dreams that we have, only an ideal?
Or are they what we really want to pursue?
I think there lies a misconception here.
People always seem to say society and stigmas give their dreams no chance of materialising at all.
That it's overwhelming social obstacles that's preventing them from attaining that elusive dream(s).
I propose an alternative view.
Have these people ever wondered whether their so-called dreams are actually what they really want?
Really want to achieve and for it to bear fruits?
Something that they are willing to make sacrifices to realise?
Is it their longing?
Is it their calling?
Or is it juz a mere figment of their imagination?
A cover for their material pursuits?
An excuse to put them in line with all those who could truly say they have chased their dreams?
A glorification of their innate and intrinsic 'dreams'?
Or is it the in-thing to say: Oh! I do have my dreams, but this society doesnt allow me the space and opportunity to realise them. Sigh...
It's a thin line between what we truly desire and what we think we want.
I seem to always say this, but it is really a fine line.
It was also mentioned in the play,
That if we do know what it is we want to pursue,
Then we should set out to attain it,
Coz no one is gonna do it for you.
I like this part.
A lot of times,
We, or rather I, put off so many things that require immediate attention,
Thinking that someone, somewhere, somehow, would come along,
And spur me to complete them.
And with time i realise that this self-proposition is not gonna work.
No one is gonna come along and magically make things brighter and better.
It's gotta be me to be that someone.
Also, even if we do identity and chase that dream of ours,
When do we say that we have realised it?
An example from the play,
The band - The Borrowers, consist of four aspiring young minds.
They made it big.
They chased their dream of being in a band.
But at which point did they achieve their dream?
When they won the talent-time?
When they recorded 4 No. 1 hits?
When they toppled Beatles off the charts?
Different band members want different things out of this dream.
In a sense, we could perhaps infer,
What they truly want is not to be in a band.
Maybe it's financial security.
Maybe it's fame and women.
Maybe it's food to keep alive their fantasy world.
Maybe it's youthful zest and exuberance disguised.
Whatever it might be,
A split was inevitable,
Coz when men have different priorities,
They tend to disagree,
And go their own ways.
Whatz left are juz memories.
Memories of a good time.
Memories that grow fuzzier with time.
Memories that make them yearn for the undiluted past.
Oh, be sure to read this article.
Something about Orgasm.
Now i've got ur interest...

It is axiomatic that women fall in love first and discover lust later, while men fall in lust and only subsequently learn to love.

An extract taken from the article.
I havent really figured out if i agree or disagree with this statement.
Some other time perhaps.

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