Wednesday, March 17, 2004

It's juz another day

Another day,
Just another day.
The next few weeks are gonna be crucial,
In terms of exams and assignments dued.
Been back-pedalling a lil'
Gotta study for yet another german vocab test on thurs.
It's funny, coz i can be so enthusiastic about gaining new insights and formulating opinions abt certain modules and topics for a short period of time,
yet when i start being a lil' indolent and stop reading,
I lose all drive and motivation to pursue further knowledge or accomplish any work however pressing they might be.
Till panic seize me.
Till deadlines loom.
Till i start my frequent nightly reflections.
Till i start getting pissed off with myself.
Now to get the juices flowing......
Read a report today that Singaporean teenagers are getting more promiscuous and sexually liberal.
Is that news?
Maybe whatz news is the fact that teenage sexual liberalisation finally got recognised, after years in oblivion and denial (societal or self).
The report stated 12-16 as the 'normal' age when these teenagers lose their virginity.
This almost sounds like a report on western decadence by Asian commentators.
I think Singaporean youths are losing their innocence way too fast.
With cartoons like Happy Tree Friends and the ease of pornography on the web, who can blame them?
Couple all these with peer pressure and the innate drive to look, act and be cool,
it's little wonder they turn to smoking and drinking and sex-ing.
Reading all these made me feel so damn old.
It's a little off 10 years since i belonged to this category.
Not the vices and poromiscuity part, but the age group.
Some people might dispute this little fact. (u buggers)
Still, there is a ray of hope.
From where?
From a couple of female self-confessed-virgin friends.
And a couple of lamenting virgin guy friends.
Given a chance, these very guys will give up their virginity without a hint of a struggle.
The 'complexity' of being male.
However, these ladies are virgins by choice.
They dont believe in pre-marital sex and neither are they affected by peer pressure (or bf pressure).
But some have started to exhibit cracks in their former resilence.
One wonders aloud: What if i only get married at 30? Then i would only get to have sex at 30?
Another: Do i want a husband who is a virgin too?
My reply: The choice is yours to make(1st qns) and If you can find one(2nd qns)
Truth be said, they are normal women with desires and passions and feelings.
Sexual urges are intrinsically human.
However i do applaud their individualism and strength of mind.
It is not easy you know.
To retain that presence of mind and control when alcohol takes effect or when situations start getting intimate and physical.
If these women are attached, then it's hard for the boyfriends too.
On one hand, they want to respect their girlfriends' decision.
On the other hand, they are GUYS.
With an innate desire for intimacy and loving.
How do you reconcile these two intangible and conflicting notions?
Romantics would go "Save the best for the last."
Feminists would cry: "Fuck men and their dicks!"
Realists would state: "Do it only if both of you are in love."
Strict Catholics would not even comment, for there is no choice.
Liberals would moan in estasy: "Faster, harder....."
Much as i applaud their naivete(gonna get slammed for this word) and innocence and individualism and resilence,
I do sense trouble brewing in the near future.
From now till the age of marriage is a good 5-8 years.
Who is to say their current bfs will 'stick' around long enough, esp when there is no sex?
Who is to say these women wont wake up one day and change their outlook?
Who knows what a night of dancing and boozing would do to one's conservatism?
I, for one, wouldnt say anything.
Afterall, it's only human.
But, much as i seem to be preaching abstainence,
I do strongly believe that sex brings a new and deeper dimension to a relationship.
What that dimension is, is for the couple to work out.
Now for Virginity and Desirability.
I pose this questions for the males out there:
"If you had knowledge that the gal you are going after believes strongly in sex only after marrigae, would you reconsider her suitability as a long-term girlfriend?"
Before you buggers decry this question as stupid and sexist,
think about its relevance and possibility.
Put yourself in this situation.
It's easy to say that you would put up with this.
It's easy to paint yourself up as a saint and be respectful towards the gal's decision.
It's easy to say you can live without sex.
But it's not so easy after 1-2 years.
It's not so easy if you see sexy women everyday.
It's not so easy if your dick decides to over-rule ur head.
It's not so easy if there is a chance to cheat and you know the chances of getting caught is near zilch.
So think.
Can u guys handle this?
No sex.

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