Wednesday, March 24, 2004


What a proposition!
J suggested this trip to me the other day.
I think i know too many Js.
Didnt really sound too captivating to me originally.
Then i remembered last night as i was willing myself to sleep in the wee hours.
I remembered dreams of yesteryears.
Dreams of immersing in the cultures of places like Tahiti and Tibet.
Away from Singapore.
Away from my current life.
Call it escapism if you want.
I told T today that maybe a trip to Tibet would be beneficial to me spiritually.
He snorted and smirked and everything else cynical.
A discussion with J earlier gave me renewed vigour.
He mentioned finding meaning and peace.
I mentioned clarity and meaning.
It's funny isnt it!?
Reflecting on our conversation, i cant help but wonder.
Why do one need to go away, to another place, another city, another country, another life?
Juz to find meaning and reason and peace?
Couldnt one find it right here, in this life, this station of life?
I mean, if one cant find the meaning and peace that they need while in their current place or situation, then how much more would a change of place and venue aid the search process?
A change in venue or a holiday would probably juz change one's mental and emotional state for the period of change and transition.
After one's back to the world s/he belongs, then things would slowly but surely revert back to their original form.
This is what i call the movie-symptom.
How often do we step into the cinema and feel that we're in a whole new world?
The images on screen take our minds on a journey.
A journey where our consciousness is compelled to partake.
How often do we come out with a new perspective?
How often do we feel affected by the movie's moral message?
Similarly, how often does this message and perspective stay in our consciousness?
Not very long i would say.
A little distraction from our current life tends to erase any lingering attachment to the movie's message/perspective.
It's juz a little distraction from our mundane lives.
To allow us some space for sanity and imagination and the ideal.
That's juz one way modern man deals with the strains of society.
I seem to be digressing.
But isnt that how thoughts flow?
Oh yah, a lovely song to intro to all 98.7 listeners.
Pls stop listening to that crap.
Try this Buy me a rose by Luther Vandross.
The melody is sublime.

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