Monday, March 08, 2004


I juz dont understand.
Why some gals absolutely adore lipbalms.
Not that i dont use lipbalms.
Dont get me wrong.
Lipbalm is one of my SOP item.
However, what i'm aghast at, is those lipbalms that come in minute colourful containers.
Simply because they are totally unhygienic.
I saw Y dabbing her index finger into that minute bottle of a lipbalm and applying a generous amount across her thin lips at the library today.
Note: The finger wasnt really clean.
God knows what that finger had came into contact with previously.
Imagine how much bacteria is accumulated on the tip of the finger.
Imagine again this very finger tip being in contact with the creamy colourful texture of a lipbalm.
Then seal up the bottle after use. Tightly.
With loads of bacteria inside.
And multiplying.
Then open up the lid again when the need to moisturise one's lips arise.
Now more bacteria is added into the lipbalm.
Food for thought.
Now, i would strongly advocate the usage of lipbalm, but only those in stick or shaft forms.
Not only is it more hygienic, it wont leave that icky sticky mess on your fingers.
I've said my piece.
Disclaimer: I'm not promoting any brands of lipbalm. Neither am i to be blamed for any rashes or whatever side-effects that arise from using lipbalms, be they in stick or bottle forms. Also, this is a personal preference and in no way is this a call to arms for lipbalm-stick lovers or lipbalm-bottle lovers. To each their own.

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