Sunday, February 15, 2004


Debated furiously and inconclusively by the sexes for years.
To no avail.
Neither wants to give in.
Neither willing to compromise.
So it's up to me to finally crack this problem of nuclear proportion.
It's simple really.
There's no such thing as Equality.
L retorted with : Equality lies in the mind of the beholder.
However, i beg to differ.
Equality is a myth.
Debates about Equality are nothing but a mere hoo-ha to air personal grievances, in a more grandiose and less self-gratifying context.
How many 'beholders' want to be equal?
How many humans want to be equal?
How many of us want to be juz like the rest, possess wat others Also have and not strive to be Bigger, Better and more Powerful?
If it can be agreed that everyone strives for personal gains and gratification, then it must follow that everyone seeks to be unequal(positive sense) with relation to the Rest.
It's a war, between Them and I.
From another vantage point, if it can be agreed that some people choose not to strive for material, physical, spiritual and emotional advantages while the others Do, then it again results in Inequality.
So there there.......
We think that Equality is juz a concept that we can grasp in our minds, something that we comprehend.
But it is not wat we think it to be.
A simple exercise to eleborate - Try imagining an equal world. U might think it's possible. Think again. A world where EVERYTHING is equal. A world where no one is better off than the other; spiritually, emotionally, physically, morally and materially. Is this world concievable? I very much doubt so.
Using a Platonic term, Equality is but an Ideal form. So ideal that it cannot possibly be manifested in our less-than-perfect world. The forms of mortal Equality-s represent a facet of that Ideal form, not the ideal whole, but a fallible portion.
In short, the next time some ultra-feminists bitch about this being a man's world and that so many things are unfair and that women should speak up and change the world and make it a better and more equal place, juz tell them: "Hi! We ply the same trade. You a feminist. Me a chauvinist. We fight the same war, but on different sides. U seek equality in status, education, customs, corporate ladders while i seek equality in terms of emotional blackmails, expected 'chivalrous' norms, fixing whatever that's broken, opening doors, buying diamonds and roses for occasions. Thus no pt in fighting this war of attrition any longer. No one wins. Coz what both sides want is elusive. Let's juz shake hands and make out.(oops! i mean make up, not make out.)

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